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A moan about other review sites

I developed a website for the landlord of a local pub. The previous landlord had tried to position the outlet as food-led, whereas the new one ran the place as a traditional village pub - focussing on premium beer, wines and spirits - not a restaurant.


The pub's TripAdvisor listing was peppered with information which misrepresented the business. Most of the reviews were glowing ones, but almost all entirely out of date, with most of the photos featuring food that even after food not been available for years. It was listed as "#2 of 5 Restaurants in ***", yet it simply was not a restaurant. There weren't 5 restaurants in the location and TripAdvisor had to include a hotel twice using different names to be able to list five venues, 2 of which could serve food, and only 1 would choose to be labelled as a restaurant. My moan about this is that it sets up false expectations. In the case of my old local, visitors would turn up having read rave food reviews and then post bad reviews because they didn't get what they expected. TripAdvisor won't remove the undeserved negative reviews unless you pay, which seems to be a deliberate part of a greedy policy. Pay to protect your reputation or watch it sink.

Google My Business

My experience with Google's 'Google My Business' makes me think they might have adopted a similar policy with regards to content control to TripAdvisor's. Anyone can post reviews, images and so on, and there's very little a business owner can do about it. Google does provide ways of reporting content, but requests I have made to flag some spurious reviews and ancient images have been completely ignored.

Content control

I understand the benefit of having real people posting their experiences, and I understand that allowing business owners to simply remove any content they might not be happy with would mean you'd never see any negative reviews, but there really should be better ways to correct factual errors and remove content that is simply not relevant to a business, or significantly misrepresents it. It doesn't help TripAdvisor or Google users if they turn up somewhere expecting a maître d'hôtel, à la carte menu and tablecloths only to find a quaint country watering hole with a fine range of crisps, pickled eggs and pork scratchings.